Sunday, April 15, 2007

Well, yesterday was croatian premiere of the What I've Done video...It was amazing. I was so suprised by that.

So this is the news....

MTM DVD content:
- downloadable mp3's for all tracks
- the What I've Done video
- Ringtone
-Photo gallery
- Booklet in PDF
and screensavers & lyrics

There's new LP T-shirt on hot topic available to buy.

LP will play in Berlin on April 28, and in London on May 3.

Here are links for video download Chester in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Download here:, and 2 new pics you can see here:

What I've Done video will be on Video Hits (Australia).

Monday, April 9, 2007


In these couple of weeks, boys from Linkin Park gave us a lot of information about their upcoming album called Minutes To Midnight. They have totaly change their style of music, they are not nu metal anymore. On album will be 12 songs called:

01. WAKE [it's an intro track that starts the album]

02. GIVEN UP [they had a song called "Fire in the city", and it was so awful so they desided to change her. Brad took the bassline and drums, and created the new weird sounds which became that song.]

03. LEAVE OUT ALL THE REST [Chester sing 'Pretending someone else can save me from myself' during the song 'cause that song is kind of apology letter. Song is like: he moves on, but he want people remember good things about him, not bad.]

04. BLEED IT OUT [Mike wrote the lyrics for this song over the 100 times, 'cause boys told him to start over again, and he's got frustrated about that. When he finished a song he was like: I don't think anyone but us could have made a song like this'. It's a death-party-rap-hoedown song.

05. SHADOW OF THE DAY [for this song they couldn't fix the elements inside, so they put an acoustic guitar on it, then an electric banjo and marimba. They sayed that this is one of the best song they written]

06. WHAT I'VE DONE [we heard that song and we seen the video of that song, it's their first single. It's a song Mike and Brad wrote together. They wanted to make a song which will encapsulate the feel of the new record in one part.

07. HAND HELD HIGH [this is the song they've put Mike rapping 'cause they couldn't put all the elements together, it wasn't sound good. ]

08. NO MORE SORROW [song should called EBow Idea, 'cause Rick told Brad that he should use an EBow guitar effect.]

09. VALENTINE'S DAY [it's one of the poopier songs on the album. They were realy carefful with this song that they don't lose their integrity.]

10. IN BETWEEN [Chester tried sing this song, but he was think that Mike will do that better. Mike has the power of preformance 'cause he really believed what he sing.]

11. IN PIECES [Song about Chesters life after he divorced whit Sam, and time when he was remarried. He sayed that there was big contrast in his life, 'cause he couldn't be compeletely happy with Talinda in the beginnin. It's kind a reggae song.]

12. THE LITTLE THINGS GIVE YOU AWAY [It's favorite Brads song. He's really happy 'cause he had guitar solo in that song. He sayed that nothing could go after it as everything would get eclipsed by it.] - here you can see video "What I've Done"!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

...Linkin Park is here again....

After 4 years writing and mixing the new album "Minutes To Midnight", LP's back. I want remind my readers to LP history before I write anything new.

LP have six members:

Chester Bennington (frontman)

Mike Shinoda ( vocalist, keyboards, guitar. read: everything:-) )

Joseph Hahn (D.J.)

Rob Bourdon (drumms)

David "Phoenix" Farrel (bass)

Brad Delson (guitar)

Here are some facts about them:

Chester is born on March 20, 1976. in Phoenix (Arizona). Married with Samantha on October 31, 1996. (they divorced in 2005), so now he's married with Talinda (married on December 31, 2005.) He has four sons, and he's full of tattoos. (there is much more information about Chester, but I think you know everything). When Chester was young, he'd sing around the house, dreaming he was the fifth member of Depeche Mode.

Mike is born on February 11, 1977 in Agoura, CA.Married with Anna. He majored in illustration, but studied graphic desigh. He's kind, not kind, he IS an artist. He do everything, painting, writing lyrics, playing guitar, piano, keys.....

Joe is born on March 15, 1977. in Glendale, CA.He studied in Pasadena Art College (where Mike was studied) but did graduate. He came up with concept for the "One Step Closer", "Somewhere I Belong" and now for "What I've Done" video.

Rob is born on January 20, 1979. in Calabasas, CA.He's a jewish. He likes to play piano when he has time. He had bend with Brad, called Relative Degree. They practiced a lot, played one show, and then it fell apart.

Phoenix is born on February 8, 1977. in Massachusetts.Married to Lindsey. He's graduated from UCLA with a degree in Philosophy. When he was younger, he jointed a band called "The Snax", but now he is bass player in LP.

Brad is born on December 1, 1977. in Agoura.He's married. Graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications. Brad and Phoenix were room-mates in college. Brad's first instrument was trumpet. His musical role model is Chester. Almost every Christmas Brad and his family hold a dinner in an auditorium for the homeless and Mike likes to help out.

Hybrid Theory


Live In Texas

Collision Course (collaboration feat. Jay Z)


and new album: Minutes To Midnight (May 15 on sale)

For the end of this post, I wanna tell something. Maybe you will not understand everything I write, it's 'cause I don't know english so good. LP is my favorite band, they do music like no other, their lyrics are (I can't find words to describe my thoughts) amazing and someone who don't like their music is asshole.

Hy, I came from Croatia, and I will take this blog for fans from here. I hope you'll like it, and the first post will be here in a few days. Thanx